“Evil-Lyn? I thought your name was Evelyn”

Well my ladies are finished and I can finally wave ciao’ to Eternia for a while knowing that even though “Jez” hammered me in the “getting stuff finished” stakes at least I got a few figures done, and I can sleep a little more soundly. But before I sail off into the sunset towards more “Mysterious Islands” (or more realistically Crystal Palace Park) I just need to present to you the fully painted versions of Eternia’s answer to “Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera”, yes it’s, Teela and Evil-Lyn.

Starting with Teela, I began as always with a spray coat of matt black that was then touched up with a brush to make sure the coverage was good and complete. Then I started work on her head dress and armour, these were firstly given a coat of copper that was then heavily highlighted with some shining gold (I really should throw this old GW paint away as it is awful and gritty) and then a further highlight was Teela paint frontadded in bright gold. Next I Painted in her leotard, wristlets and the tops of her boots with coffee that was then highlighted with cream and then again with a little white. Her lower boots and her staff were both undercoated with chocolate brown before they were highlighted with leather brown and butternut respectively. When it came time to paint her flesh I went with European flesh as an undercoat and then after her eyes had been added mixed the same with a little pale flesh for the highlights. Hair next this was painted chestnut brown and then whileTeela paint back it was still wet I highlighted with orange, blending it in a little. After all this was finished I went around her and “lined in” between the joints of flesh and white and then touched up these areas again to try and thin down the lines. Then I added her lips in bright red and gave her a jewel in her head band with a dot of aquamarine highlighted with turquoise silk (neither the cartoon or toy had this but I thought it needed it). And she was ready for her coat of Quickshade.

Turning to Evil-Lyn she too was begun with a coat of matt black touched up with the brush, then her boots, bodice and skull cap were undercoated with royal purple before being highlighted with pink lilac. The front of her bodice and her staff were then painted copper before Lyn paint frontbeing highlighted with bronze. Now when it came to her flesh I had a choice (Oh no I’m not good at choices!), I could either go for the yellow flesh of the toy, or the more normal flesh colour of the cartoon version. In the end I decided to risk it and go with the yellow, so out came the citrus orange, now I know for a fact that this will not cover black in any decent way (I know from bitter experience!!), so I also got out lemon yellow, this for some inexplicable reason will (don’t ask me why, they are both miniature paints). Anyway I mixed the two together at about fifty, fifty Lyn paint backratio and the result just about covered the black to my satisfaction, and once the eyes were added (with a little pink lilac eye shadow for good measure), her flash was highlighted in just lemon yellow. A right pain to do but I think it was the right decision. Then after “lining in” around all the edges again I highlighted her capes with dark grey, then added the triangle of exposed flesh at the top of her back that I’d managed to miss first time round (Do’h!), did her lips in pick lilac again, and then the ball atop her staff I undercoated dark metallic blue that was then highlighted with blue steel and then “clouded” slightly with some white. She too was now ready for Quickshading.

That was what came next of course, and after this was dry (overnight I tend to wait, just to be sure) I painted the bases in my usual fashion of choclate brown, heavily dry-brushed with Khaki and then again with coffee. I then picked out some areas with scenic green that were then flocked using Javis “Autumn Mix” hairy grass. Finally they were given a spray coat of matt varnish and they were done. Oh well two more down still an awful lot left to go, talk is already flying about as to the next silly distraction we might set off on, no wonder I never get anything finished! Anyway I do intend to return to Eternia again in the not too distant future, and it was nice to end on a bit of a high as I’m rather pleased with how this pair have turned out, (I still like Evil-Lyn better, but perhaps I just like my girls naughty, don’t tell my wife!).TeelaLyn group

“He-Month” might have finished, but you can still see what my co-conspirator “Jez” got up to over at his blog “Carrion Crows Buffet” https://carrioncrowsbuffet.wordpress.com/ , and it’s always well worth a visit, even when he’s not holidaying on Eternia! Finally my morale for the week….

 “In today’s story Roger learnt that when you write the rules you don’t have to break them, you can just bend them out of all recognition!”.    

Cheers Roger.

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6 Responses to “Evil-Lyn? I thought your name was Evelyn”

  1. Absolutely awesome stuff Roger… Great couple and a staggeringly good quartet. Definitely a few entries in your best of the year so far imho 😉 Dinosaurs next I suppose? And sadly no Saturday Post to look forward to with my cuppa tomorrow 😦

  2. Roger Webb says:

    Thanks Simon, I could happily carry on with He-month, but unlike some people I know when it’s time to stop (just kidding!), I might go back to it before the end of the year but as I hope to join in Zom-tober and Mo’vember this time, I don’t know if I’ll have time!

    Yep Dino’s next week, and the ranks have swollen by one now, but I’ll say no more on that at the moment.

    Sorry I posted early but I’m out early tomorrow morning, so rather than wait till dinnertime and as it was ready…. You could have saved it, mind you I can’t save yours, so fair enough.

    Cheers Roger.

  3. Carrion Crow says:

    Quality over quantity. I may have finished more figures than you during He-Month, but it’s pretty clear whose are better. Truly, you have the Power! Of the four, I think Evil-Lyn is my favourite and if these were commercially available, would be my first purchase, as I could see her in many roles (including using her as a Necromancer for Frostgrave). It was a pleasure to share the limelight on this project with you and I look forward to the next! Regards Jez.

  4. Roger Webb says:

    Many thanks Jez, I don’t know about quality, Teela actually looks a bit rough in the photos (she’s a bit better in real life). I have to say that I’m surprised there isn’t a commercially available figure like “Lyn”, as I too could see her in many roles, from any number of evil wizardess’es right thorough to Supervillaness’es. Frostgrave sprang to my mind too while I was painting her (I can see I’ll end up buying that damn game you know!).

    You were more than welcome, here’s to the next one (Frostgrve mo’vember perhaps?)

    Cheers Roger.

  5. Roger Webb says:

    Absolutely no problem Simon, I realise you have an awful lot on your plate (by which I mean painting table of course), and though it would have been fun to have you on board, I know you were there in spirit. Thanks for the posting on the brown bag, comment left.

    Cheers Roger.

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