“Bet You Thought I’d Forgotten This!” (Forgotten Heroes)

Well I nearly did to be honest, but as Keith mentioned “Forgotten Heroes” at the end of his last “Monster Mayhem” post, and as I’d already missed out on all the fun that entails I thought I’d chuck my hat into the ring and hopefully achieve something this year, so over the next few weeks I hope to complete at least one conversion figure. But who? I hear you ask.


What’s blue and silver, was a Sci/Fi based toy line character, with a rather silly gimmick and really lights up the room at parties! (Actually I have no real evidence to support this last claim! 😉)

Over the last few years I have gained a bit of a reputation for finding shall we say slightly obscure characters to do for “Forgotten Heroes”, (remember “Dick Spanner” or “Black Scorpion”?), well this year is no different as intend to attempt to recreate a toy I had as a child that appears to have not only disappeared into the mists of time but right up its own “wazzoo”, hell he isn’t even the main hero from his line but a peripheral character. Yes but who is it?, I hear you shout!

It’s “Shield!”


Well, yes I can forgive anyone who said the above, as he is pretty obscure, back in 1977 Palitoy got hold of the rights to produce three figures from the Hasbro “Super Joe” line over in the UK but rather than sell them under the “Super Joe” banner they re-named the main character “Commander Power” who with the aid of a tiny torch mounted on his chest fought the Evil “Gor” (who also had a bulb mounted in his chest albeit an “Evil” red one!), and was ably assisted by “Shield”, who had another tiny light mounted on his shield (well we easily impressed in 1977!). As far as I’m aware the line was not a big seller over here at least (it wasn’t Star Wars, however much it wanted to be!), and disappeared soon after, but I remember the boys who lived next door to me had the good Captain and Gor respectively so it made sense for me to get for “Shield” . Even though he was a rather odd size at 10 inches tall, making him too small to match with my “Action Man” stuff and too big to blend with my “Mego’s” but when you are eight I guess scale doesn’t matter. So I got him for Christmas that year, and too the best of my knowledge I still have him somewhere (though I’m buggered if I can find him up in the loft!!). But anyway that’s my “Forgotten Hero” this year, I’ve dug through my “Heroklix” collection and found out this figure of “Avalanche” to form a base for my conversion (the fact he’s already blue is a happy coincidence 😁).

So let the “hacking” and “greenstuffing” commence. Best of luck to all who are taking part this year!

Cheers Roger.

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14 Responses to “Bet You Thought I’d Forgotten This!” (Forgotten Heroes)

  1. This looks like it’ll be fun to follow, Roger! 🙂 Hope all’s well with you!

    • Thanks John, yep all is well (with me at least), still struggling for time hobby wise and what I get is swallowed up elsewhere at present, but I do really want to take part in at least a couple of challenges this year.

      Hope he turns out as good enough to keep you entertained.😉

      Cheers Roger.

  2. Dave Stone says:

    Wow that is a really obscure blast from the past Roger, look forward to seeing your conversion, and yes I do remember those toys, although I never had any of them, but remember the advert you showed.

    • Thanks Dave, yes he is pretty obscure, I had hoped to do another figure from another line and he was even more obscure! (he was also blue and silver as it happens! 😀). But don’t think I’ll have the time for him too, maybe next year.

      No doubt you will put us all to shame with your turnout of heroes, even is you are busy with company stuff too! 😁

      Cheers Roger.

  3. Faust says:

    “Who?!”. Not sure I ever saw this one in the US, so very obscure for me! The Avalanche Heroclix looks like a great base to work off of though! 😃

    • Thanks Faust, I must admit I thought you chaps over in the US, had more chance to knowing “Super Joe” at least, but hey at least I know he’s been “forgotten” 😉.

      Cheers Roger.

  4. Carrion Crow says:

    I thought I’d won the prize of “most obscure character” last year with the Tornado, but I can honestly say this is a character (and toyline) I’ve never heard of – and I had Big Jim’s and a Blackbeard action figure!

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Looks like he’d be a good fit with your MOTU miniatures.

    • Thanks Jez, I do like to go off the beaten track a little..😉

      Though to be honest I had hoped to do two figures this year, but time has put the kybosh of that, and I will say my other figure would have made this one about as obscure as “Superman” 🤣🤣

      I guess he would fit in with my MOTU fig’s, it the whole seventies/eighties toy vibe don’t you know. 😁

      Cheers Roger.

  5. Gah..!! I know I commented upon this when I first saw the posting. Not sure where that’s gone..!?!

    Great start and idea for a Forgotten Hero, Roger, and really good to see you doing a little hobby too. That Heroclix figure is a great one to base the Shield on, and definitely takes me back to our blogs’ younger days when we were both doing all sorts of weird paintjobs and conversions on the Heroclix range.

    • Haha, great to hear from you mate, now the question is “Do you remember “Shield from back in the day? I wouldn’t imagine so as you are so much younger than me (bugger!).

      Really enjoying doing a bit of sculpting, I was only thinking today how I’d forgotten how much fun it it! I’m also half way through another BB team for the youngest, and he’s announced today that he needs it finished by the end of the month too. So no work on the boat for a while it seems!

      Good to read you’re cranking up the old 3D printer again as well as getting the paint brushes out again too. I have been reading your blog (along with a few others) but can’t seem to comment on any of them on my phone, and I turn turn the PC on so rarely these days, the damn thing spends 15mins every time I turn it off again updating!

      I still have a goodly number of Heroklix figs languishing unloved in the box, it’s good to drag one out for conversion, as you say it takes us back, far too many years to mention 😉😁😁

      Cheers Roger.

  6. This is stirring something way back in my memory 🤣 looks a great project Roger, good luck with it 👍

  7. angrypiper says:

    You officially win Forgotten Heroes this year, Roger, because no one knows who the f–k this character is. In fact, I think you made him up. Just kidding. I’m sure Shield was huge in Britain. Except the Crow’s never heard of him. And he’s pretty British…

    • Thanks Keith, hooray I win! and not only that but I’ve put a spotlight (pun intended) onto a forgotten hero as well! 🤣🤣🤣

      I actually think the “Super Joe” line was bigger in the states than it ever was over here, though I think it was pretty my an “also ran” in the race for toy sales on both sides of the pond.

      Jez is indeed British, not so sure about the “pretty ” part I’m afraid he does nothing for me in that way, but each to his own as they say! 😉

      Cheers Roger.

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